Wednesday, January 20, 2016

A New Year

Hey I know it's a little late because we are already a few weeks into the new year. But even so I thought I would put out some goals and tips to help this year go a little smother. Cause let's face it every time New Years rolls around we get all excited to have a fresh start, but do we ever really stick to those "resolutions"? I had a great start off to the New Year with some really great people. I am excited for this New Year, because I decided to leave the past in 2015. I left all of my baggage behind where it needs to be. I feel like a "fresh start" was exactly what I needed to get my life going again. I am enjoying finding myself (even though it's extremely hard, and stressful) and figuring out what I want to do. Finding yourself can be a very hard thing to do i am slowly figuring out. It's hard to start over, but I feel like a New Year is the perfect time to do that. Okay well let's get into a few of my "New Years resolutions" 

  1. Leave the past in the past.
  2. Pray more.
  3. Live healthier.
  4. Read more.
  5. Meet new people, and make new friends.
  6. Figure out who I am. 
  7. Go out and enjoy this beautiful earth the lord has given us.
Okay well those are some of my New Years resolutions, let's talk about them. Number 1: I feel like it's something that is hard for a lot of us, hopefully not just me. So I decided to make that something I am going to work on.  Number 2: praying is extremely important and I feel like I don't just sit down and talk to God enough. Number 3: pretty much everyone puts this in their resolutions somewhere. I truly do want to eat, and live healthier. Number 4: I want to read more and just grow my mind. Number 5: I am a very outgoing person and I absolutely love meeting new people, but I also want to make new friends. Okay Number 6: is a really big one, but I feel like i am ready to figure myself out. I want to learn who I am, and well, find myself. Number 7: I want to go out and live more. Put down all the gadgets and go live life in this beautiful world.

Now for a few "tips". Okay if something goes wrong Don't Stress! Just leave the past in the past. Because if we dwell on something for too long it could end up destroying us. Basically do a frozen and •Let It Go•  sorry that song will probably be stuck in your head the rest of the day.  Something I am going to do, and I encourage you to do the same, is write a letter to yourself. You can't open it till New Year's Eve though. Write a letter about yourself now, so you can see how far you've come in a year. My last little tip is don't think about everything so much. Just go out and live your life and if something goes wrong just remember, that it will one day be a lesson and a story. Super cheesy I know, but it's true. But hey we are going to get through this year together! Until next time my lovelies
